Ido Bukelman jest gitarzystą, multiinstrumentalistą, oraz kompozytorem-improwizatorem.
Łączy elementy współczesnej muzyki, folku i free jazzu (
Ido pochodzi z Tel Awiwu, obecnie mieszka w Berlinie.
Bilety 20 zł do kupienia online lub przed koncertem
I’m very active in the “new music” scene for the last 10 years, in many interesting collaborations in the fields of ‘avant-garde’, improvised music,noise, freejazz and more.
Since September 2015 I have played solo concerts in many different international festivals and venues, such as Fri Form & Blow Out (Norway) Ring Ring Festival (Belgrade), Defonija (Slovenia), Skræp Festival (Denemark), Gorzowski Splin Festiwal (Poland) ‘Different Sounds Art’n’Music Festival’ (Lublin), MOZG (Bydgoszcz), FRIV Festival (PoznaŃ), Sierpnia Festival (Sopot ) and others.
I had performed and recorded with musicians like Mikolaj Trazska, Airto Moreira, Gunter Sommer Baby, Mark Sanders and many others…
“…Bukelman is even better on his own. Solo is totally acoustic and even more in your face Tightly wound and fearsomely sure of itself.”
– Bill Meyer, Wire
– By Phil McMullen, Wild thing
“(…) A real stream of consciousness that draws from the languages of the avant-garde and the emotions of the soul. An excursion in the territories of thought and poetry, in perfect solitude, with no regrets (…)”
-All About Jazz, Italia
“Ido Bukelman has a sense of melody and rhythm that, though deconstructed to great degree, is present and underpins this set with an unexpected and sublime grace.”
– By Mike Wood, foxydigitalis
My solo consists of:
1. Bowed banjo
2. Acoustic guitar
3. Optional is a Special set-up for Strings & percussion